Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Oh So Catty~ meow :3

I have been studying for the M"CAT" lately and while that is slowly becoming a piston that pushes me to the bottom of my confidence levels I have also been doing some other things to take my mind off from it.  One is cat sitting.  I think cats are cute, although they shed all over the place they are still very lovable.  They have a rather nice life in my opinion since they are able to sleep for a very long time each day and play whenever they like.  Cats get lonely too sometimes.  Whenever I go to cat-sit, the cat (well, actually two cats, but the other one never comes out Q_Q) would rub itself against my leg and try to sit next to me so I could pet it, it really makes me think that she is really lonely watching birds and sleeping all day on her own.

Other than the Medical Cat exam and the cat sitting job, I have also been reading some Lolita fashion Live Journals that I used to be involved in perhaps 3 or 4 years ago.  It is amazing how fast things change, but the cattiness of the Lolita community never seize to amuse me.  Due to my curios nature, I could not stop myself from taking peeks at some of the most "amazing" people bashings on online communities that host them.  One of those communities is called Lolita Secrets.  It is basically a rip off of Fran Warren's PostSecret where people post their "secrets".  Although there are some decent secrets on this site, it is actually just a venting place for catty girls (or sometime referred to as female dogs) to express how much they hated another's outfit because it was cheap, or someone looked fat in their dresses.  Anyways, it is rather entertaining and will definitely give you a "great" impression of the Lolita subculture.  Please check it out! Click Here For Cat Fights

This is one of my favorites so far because...well, look at it :D  Courtesy of Lolita Secrets LJ.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Oh are full of funny people

I think most Chinese people (and some other people) in the world that have access to the internet is aware that there is a 6 months long exposition currently held in Shanghai.  Well, compared to the rest of China, Shanghai is a rather small place, and as you can probably imagine cramming not only the world's largest population but also people from 190 other countries is like a kid trying to eat an elephant.  Anyhow, it is happening right now, and some Chinese people came up with rather interesting ideas to make themselves enter the expo without having to wait in the dreadfully long lines.

Like most "civilized" countries in the world, China is trying to provide better service to people with disabilities.  In the Expo, there is something called the "green line" where handicapped people can get into the Expo without having to wait in line.  So, acknowledgment the fact that you could enter the Expo easily through this "green line", a clever Chinese family of five decided to utilize it by pretending that they are handicapped.  Here are some photo evidences taken from "".

As you can see, she was just in the wheelchair...

Hummm...perhaps there are invisible crutches...

Well, apparently they are not the only people pretending to be disabled.  Due to the LARGE number of fakers, the "green line" is now officially closed.  Well done guys!  

I do think that there are fundamental problems with the Chinese society, and obviously you can see from this kind of behavior, but this is not necessarily the Chinese people's fault.  The people in China has not exactly caught up with all the Westernization and development that is taking place there, not to mention the growing gap between the poor and the rich....  >.< good luck China! 

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blueberry muffins

Those who don't enjoy the taste of blueberries are missing out on one of the most delicious fruits on planet earth (along with all the other fruits except for watermelon and papaya, the former makes you think that your bladder broke and later makes your odor receptors bleed), and for those who do, you should be delighted to hear that it is blueberry season!  Yes, blueberries have seasons, just because the store sells them doesn't mean that they should grow all the time.  Anyhow, blueberry picking is always an enjoyable activity for you and your family especially with the sky-rocketing price of blueberries in grocery stores right now.
One of my favorite thing about blueberries is that you can make them into blueberry muffins, sweet yummy little things that make you forget you are on a diet.  So, I made some muffins today with the berries picked by my mother who woke up at 6am to pick them.  Personally, I think it is still a little too early for blueberry picking, since the berries were rather sour and small, but regardless they are still great when baked with fat and sugar~

We got the recipe from the blueberry picking place and it called for:
eggs -------------- 2
sugar ------------- 1/2 cup
oil/butter ----------1/2 cup
sifted flour -------- 3 cups
baking powder --- 1and 1/2 tablespoon
salt --------------- 1 teaspoon
blueberries --------1 and 1/2 cup

The steps are fairly simple:
1. mix eggs, sugar and oil/butter.
2. slowly mix in the sifted flour baking powder and salt until everything is pretty much even.
3. put in the blueberries!
4. bake for 20-23min in 400 F degrees
5. voila!

Here are some pictures of our blueberry muffins :D

On a side note, they were not as sweet as most people would like, so adding sugar is advised to those who like their muffins to be a little sweeter.



Hooray!  I finally decided to start a blog about me...well, technically my opinions.  Until this morning, I was going to call this blog "the uglies of high fashion" and make it a blog about *ehem* ugly high fashions..duh!  However, I don't think that encompasses everything I want to blog about.  I care about things other than fashion as well, such as food, art, people, not so much politics, not so much economy, maybe a little bit of Asian culture (no, no focus on anime...this blog isn't used to make your kids emo, hipster, fan girls/boys, or "scene"<-whatever that means), perhaps a little bit of college life and finally science.  

Since the name of this post is introduction, I guess I should write something about myself here.  I'm a rather nice 21-year old currently living in a rather okay town in North Carolina.  In school, I'm a chemistry and possibly art major that spends most of my time either studying/working or having fun.  Like most people, I have all of my limbs, a head, a body and all of my organs (I think...maybe minus some of the skin cells I killed today).  You will notice that my writing is not the best thing in the world since English is not my mother tongue, but please don't be a grammar Nazi since nobody in their right mind likes Nazis.

Anyhow, that concludes my first post! pictures (which is the best part of a blog).