Friday, June 25, 2010

Oh are full of funny people

I think most Chinese people (and some other people) in the world that have access to the internet is aware that there is a 6 months long exposition currently held in Shanghai.  Well, compared to the rest of China, Shanghai is a rather small place, and as you can probably imagine cramming not only the world's largest population but also people from 190 other countries is like a kid trying to eat an elephant.  Anyhow, it is happening right now, and some Chinese people came up with rather interesting ideas to make themselves enter the expo without having to wait in the dreadfully long lines.

Like most "civilized" countries in the world, China is trying to provide better service to people with disabilities.  In the Expo, there is something called the "green line" where handicapped people can get into the Expo without having to wait in line.  So, acknowledgment the fact that you could enter the Expo easily through this "green line", a clever Chinese family of five decided to utilize it by pretending that they are handicapped.  Here are some photo evidences taken from "".

As you can see, she was just in the wheelchair...

Hummm...perhaps there are invisible crutches...

Well, apparently they are not the only people pretending to be disabled.  Due to the LARGE number of fakers, the "green line" is now officially closed.  Well done guys!  

I do think that there are fundamental problems with the Chinese society, and obviously you can see from this kind of behavior, but this is not necessarily the Chinese people's fault.  The people in China has not exactly caught up with all the Westernization and development that is taking place there, not to mention the growing gap between the poor and the rich....  >.< good luck China! 

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